Fall Into Temptation - Season 1 : Episode 17


  • Drama
  • Soap

Raquel and Damián are happily married with two children. Destiny leads Damián to meet Carolina and feels an undeniable attraction towards her. Damián did not know that Carolina was already married to Santiago Álvarado, a construction architect with whom she has two children. When Raquel drops off her son Fede at school, she accidentally backs her car to Santiago's truck, and they realize that their sons know each other. Raquel volunteers to pay for the damages but Santiago refuses. Raquel insists and goes to the Álvarado home with Damián. The two couples become great friends. But the desire between Damián and Carolina is stronger than their marriage commitment and both decide to deceive to their spouses. Damián and Carolina have a terrible car accident. Rescuers only find a seriously injured Damián, and Carolina has mysteriously disappeared from the scene. During the investigation by the police, Raquel and Santiago learn that their spouses are lovers.

Season 1 Episodes


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